After reading the posts before mine I am surprised that so many people seem to see freedom of speech so much differently then I do. I have always taken free speech to mean the ability to have reasoned discourse without the interference or the retaliation of the government.
Free speech in public places and venues has always been restricted in many ways. Sometimes the restriction is one of courtesy, sometimes one of reason( yelling fire in a theater for example), and sometimes one of prudence(yelling racial slurs in a primarily minority neighborhood), but almost always limited.During the Kerry forum, speech or whatever it was, the gentleman chose to inject himself into to the focus and resist removal. This is a fairly time honored technique to call attention to yourself or your cause, when no one other then your friends will listen to you. This technique has always had its drawbacks however, one of which is forcible removal by the police. In the past this achieved in various ways all of which use varying levels of violence.
However he seems to have achieved his goal. Thanks to YouTube he has been the subject of much discussion, nationally. He made all the news wires, blogs, and oped pages, which I am sure was his intent. So I find the cost of his speech (his tasing) to be close to free as compared to what he got. He seems to have suffered no lasting harm, he is at home doing whatever it is that he does when he is there. He can bask in his newfound fame and can be glad that he has not had to pay the price others have paid for their "free speech", torture and murder.
Nothing worth having is ever free. Thats what I have learned about "free speech" in my lifetime. So when we exercise it we should be prepared for what it will cost. The officers involved will most likely be sued or otherwise punished for their participation in this event and will most likely suffer more than the student is likely to. The University will suffer a loss in reputation and possibly some financial loss if there is a lawsuit. The student will have an arrest report and legal fees. And in the end there will be another new event to capture the public attention and this event will be forgotten by everyone except those who were involved.
I'm not saying that I support the student's cause, but I admire him somewhat. He stood up for what he believed in and he accomplished his goal. Sure he was a prankster, but for this 'prank', I'm sure he was able to get people to think. I don't agree with him playing to the camera like he did though, as it made his cause look like a circus act. At the end of the day, not many will really remember what he was trying to say, but everybody will remember his clownishness.