Thursday, May 8, 2008

Red5...just $%@*& work

Disclaimer: The title is just what I was thinking when I came up with compiler errors.

Well Red5 is turning out to be a great product and the price can't be beat. Like any software, though, there are a few bugs that need to be worked out. The biggest thing standing in it's path is a totally broken 0.7.0 release that won't even work out of the box. It's okay though, after searching around for a long while, I came across a fix from their bug reporting system.

It basically involves going back to the working ivy from the 0.6.3 release by replacing the ivy library jar in the lib folder, downloading a revised build.xml and ivyconfig.xml and placing them in your base installation directory, and then building with and. It may seem like an easy fix but I would think they wouldn't let this release out if you can't even run it.

I really want this software to progress so it is everything that Flash Media Server is and more (really it is more already). Just need to get those bugs worked out. So now I just want to say keep up a great project red5 guys, it's coming along great.

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