Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New online backup?

Going through spiceworks the other day, and came across an online backup solution called egnyte. In the little advertisement, it stated unlimited backup. There is one caveat though, which is that there needs to be a minimum of 3 power users added to get it for free. It brings the price up to $45 a month. One other option is to use only one power user and add the unlimited storage for a total of $35 a month. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me, and as long as your data is encrypted, it should be safe.

There is a nice little calculator too.

Some resources for those looking to learn php

There was a new "tutorial" posted on the nettuts website. It isn't a real tutorial but a link to 25 other resources to help you get started if you are learning to program php for the first time. You may want to take a look at that site for more resources too. They also have some nice vids.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Progressing as an Individual Involved with Business

There was a new post on the business pundit blog that talks about a PMBA or Personal MBA. What I think is good about this program is that it gets people to start thinking about their network and working at making connections with people. It also helps to get the "lingo" down in a more natural way. That is great for all people.

What the program lacks though, is an officialness. There is no degree. There is no accredited program.

So if you are looking for that MBA, by all means get that MBA. If you just want a way to improve your interactions and knowledge in business and maybe work towards that MBA later, by all means, work for that PMBA.

Monday, December 15, 2008

My Wife's New Site

The Coupon Lottery Logo
What kind of a husband would I be if I didn't post a link to my wife's new site. Okay, this post isn't totally altruistic as I worked on the layout and getting it all up and running. So there is a little bit of self promotion there.

The site all started when Lisa, that's my wife's name, got interested in coupons. She found lots of sites that made couponing (i don't know if that's a real word) exciting. So to spread the joy to other people she wanted to make a site that had information about abbreviations and tips to let beginner couponers get in on the fun without being outcast by more experienced ones. She also wanted to give away coupons to spread the fun for free. Out of that was born The Coupon Lottery.

Anyway if anyone wants to check out a site and get more information about coupon uses, the site is up and free to use. There are forums as well.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Service Businesses: Do You Ask Your Clients the Right Questions?

Well today must just be a day for insightful posts or I am just feeling really inspired. But here is a post from the small business trends blog about asking the right questions from clients. This puts more focus on what the client wants and less about what you think is right. And when it all comes down to it, the CLIENT is always right. Right?

Interviewing Programmers

I found this article going through the PHPDevelopers blog. It is one of their better articles that they chose to comment on. I just want to put it here so I can remember it and let other people find it if that is something they are looking for. The starting idea is:
I personally find that asking a coding test of junior programmers is a GREAT tool for helping to evaluate them. Typically just a very simple test, a basic CRUD application. Looking at what they create not only gives you insight into how they think and code (did they do MVC? a simple single .php file? handle web security? etc). It also gives you a great starting point to begin discussions with them in person, asking them about why they did (or didn’t) do certain things.

Those are things that a basic PHP programmer should at least know of.